ARTICLE I ~ Eligibility

Section I
Persons eligible for Membership shall be those properly nominated and sponsored according to rules set forth in Section II.

Section II
New Members shall be accepted twice each year.  Any name proposed for Membership shall be in writing and accompanied by a recommendation signed by the proposer and two seconds.  These names shall be presented to the Membership Committee Chairman no later than the Friday before the regularly scheduled March and October meetings.

A person must be a Member for one year before being eligible to nominate or second a candidate.  A Member may nominate or second only one candidate a year.

Voting at the April and November meetings shall be by secret ballot.  Each candidate shall receive the affirmative vote of 50% plus one of the Active Members, including proxies.  In case of a tie, a second vote will be taken.

ARTICLE II ~ Membership

Section I
The Membership shall consist of Active, not to exceed twenty five; Honorary, not to exceed ten; and Non-Resident Members.

Section II
A.  An Active Member may participate in all affairs of the Club, hold office, vote, and propose candidates for Membership.

An Active Member who fails to attend three monthly meetings during the year without being excused by the Recording Secretary because of a death, illness, or absence from the city, shall automatically be dropped from Membership.  Reasons other than a death, illness, or absence from the city will be considered an unexcused absence.

B.  An Honorary Member is selected by the Membership at a regular meeting of the Club.  Eligibility for Honorary Membership, in addition to being either a Charter Member or a Member for twenty years, must have performed outstanding service for the Club.

Recommendations shall be made in writing and signed by the proposer and two seconds.  This shall be presented at a regular meeting of the Club and voted on at the following meeting.  Voting shall be by secret ballot.  A simple majority of the Active Members present plus one, and including proxies, shall determine the outcome.  In case of a tie, a second vote will be taken.

C.  A Non-Resident Member is one who, having been an Active Member for at least fifteen years, establishes   residence   outside the  Macon, Bibb County area.  She shall pay dues and accept duty as hostess.  She shall not be subject to attendance requirements.

ARTICLE III ~ Officers

Section I
Officers shall be elected at the February meeting for one year, and shall not be eligible for election to the same office for more than two consecutive years.

Section II
A.  The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and of the Board of Directors.

She shall be the Executive Officer of the Club and an ex-officio member of all Standing Committees.  She shall appoint Committee Chairmen and perform such duties as may be required of her by the By-Laws of the Club.

B.  The First Vice President shall perform in the absence of the President, or her inability to serve and shall assist her.  She shall also serve as Projects Chairman.

C.  The Second Vice President shall perform in the absence of the President and the First Vice President, and shall serve as Program Chairman.

D.  The Recording Secretary shall keep a classified list of the Members and a record of their attendance at meetings.  She shall keep the Minutes of the Club meetings and those of the Board of Directors.  She shall notify Members of two unexcused absences during the Club year.  She shall receive all resignations in writing before presenting them to the Club.

E.  The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the written correspondence of the Club including notices of meetings and letters to proposed Members.

F.  The Treasurer shall be custodian of the funds of the Club and shall be responsible for the collection of all dues and fines.  She shall present a monthly and annual report for the fiscal year of June 1 to May 31.  She shall present a budget to the Membership at the October meeting, which has been approved by the Board of Directors.

ARTICLE IV ~ Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall have general charge of the affairs, funds, and property of the Club.  It shall consider all matters of interest to the Membership.

ARTICLE V ~ Standing Committees

Section I
The Standing Committees shall be: By-Laws, Directory, Fund Raising, Hospitality, Membership, Nominating, Parliamentarian, and Telephone.

A.  By-Laws shall advise the President on the By-Laws and present to the Membership for a vote any necessary changes.

B.  Directory shall be responsible for publishing the annual directory.

C.  Fund Raising shall organize fund raising as necessary.

D.  Hospitality shall make arrangements for the annual holiday party and assign duties for the spring luncheon.

E.  Membership shall notify Membership of vacancies, recommend nominations in October and/or March, present nominations to Membership, and conduct voting on said nominations at the November and/or April meetings.

F.  Nominating shall present a slate of officers to the Membership in February for voting approval in March.

G.  Parliamentarian shall advise the President on parliamentary procedure.

H.  Telephone shall telephone Membership at the request of the President.

Section II
There shall be a Nominating Committee composed of three Members appointed by the President.


The  dues  for  Active,   Honorary,   and   Non-Resident status of Membership shall be $25.00 per year payable by November 15th for all Members.

ARTICLE VII ~ Meetings

Section I
The meetings of the Club shall be held on the first Tuesday during the months of October, November, February, March, April, and May.  The December meeting shall be scheduled as a holiday party, including a fund raiser.

Section II
The Board of Directors shall meet preceding each of the regular monthly meetings.

Section III
Active and Non-Resident Members shall serve as meeting hostesses in rotation.  Honorary Members are excused from hostess duties.


A quorum for the regular meetings shall be one more than 50% of the Active Members, including proxies.  A quorum for the meeting of the Board of Directors shall be four.

ARTICLE IX ~ Proxy voting

In the event a Member is unable to attend a meeting due to an excused absence, she may appoint a proxy to be her agent for voting matters.   A simple proxy form may be obtained from the President, Recording Secretary, Parliamentarian, or By-Laws Chairman.  The agent will present the proxy to the presiding officer at the time of the meeting.

Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all points not specified by the Constitution and By-Laws.